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HERE’s what you to if you wish to add Live Chat on WordPress Self Hosted and with full control.
Now, you can chat with your customers on your website while they are browsing your pages, helping your sales & support team to help them take quicker decision.
Benefits of using this Live Chat Plugin
- This plugin is open source.
- You only have to pay one time fee in comparison with other solution which are charging monthly fees.
- Install in WordPress & get set go
- Its fully customizable
- Unlimited operators vs High Fees from other services
- Full Chat Logs for later review and monitoring
- Any number of operators can answer the same question. Makes it collabrative.
- Has an option to make visitors fill out a short form IF operators are offline
- You get notification emails when customers logs in chat
- Campatible upto WordPress 3.6
Here’s a snapshot on how it works:
In today’s world the only problem that I find with people shopping online is this:
Many customers feel disconnected. That’s because we are disconnected with a human interaction where you can ask be answered by someone in real time. Imagine how many people who come and visit your website go away from your website without reaching out to you, not calling you, not buying from you or even not filling out a form which defines your sales funnel.
Most smart companies & businesses are adding live chat support on their website to just solve THIS issue.
With Live Chat you can provide your customers answers they want to ask you instantly. This helps benefit companies by significantly helping there staff answer questions promptly & immediately.
Here are some benefits to using Live Chat on your wordpress website:
1. Live Chat is Convenient for your customers & prospects
2. Helps you reduce your expenses
3. Helps you increase sales & add more money to your bottom line.
4. Gives you a complete edge over your competitors who are not using it.
5. Helps taping into your customer pain points& resolve immediately
Tips of using Live Chat on your WordPress website
Surely adding live chat will increase your potential business coming from your website. But this can only be possibly if you use & execute it properly & correctly. Here are my tips for people which insures that you get the most out of your efforts using any chat software on your websites:
1. Train Your Team! I believe if you are taking Live Chat seriously then you need someone handling the chat who is extremely knowledgeable about your products & services along with your offering and website navigation. I suggest you create cheat sheets of your business, FAQs to help them improve performance and answer quickly.
2. Always be away of your customers shopping hours. For example, lets suppose you own an online sports shopping website in California, most of your customers are international. You can use Google Analytics and find out which of your visitors are using your web site & when are the browsing the most. Based on that, have someone manage your chats all the time when your website is receiving the most visitors. Not only this when you have your work hours, but outsource the tasks to Odesk or Elance to make it 24 x 7 and never miss out on sales & support.
3. Be Human. Don’t be robotic bot on the website. This is so silly sometimes but really evident. The whole point of even having live chat available on the website is to bond, provide warm and useful conversations to help humanizing the online experiance your customers get. If you have a robotic tone of answering questions this will make it ineffective and reduce your responses over the live chat.
4. Hire people with sales experience & knowledge. Have your sales people in the team participate along with your customer service representatives. People having sales experience are the best people in your team who can bring a prospect to lead towards further sales and increase of upselling, downselling, and helping you boost your main sales.
5. Boost your social presence & word of mouth. Once, your live chat support team starts giving your a positive feedback on your help & support provided. That’s the best time to ask for a recommendation & word of mouth by asking them nicely to Like your Facebook page, give you a testimonial on fan page & other social media sites, and also to leave comments and helping you support them better.
6. Be prepared to handle the chat volume. Have an automated message and que system for handling all your live chat queries. And make sure they know a representative will be their to support them shortly if not immediately.
7. Give your customers helpful features. Like having an option to receive transript over the email, etc.
Now It’s Your Turn To Tell Us How It Helps You!
If you have used live chat on your wordpress or other websites. What was your experience like? Feel free to let us know by providing your comment below.]]>
You have shared a meaningful and Informative article with lots of good information about wordpress plugins and live chat. live chat plugin is indeed a powerful software for all sites, it helps to monitor visitors and in increasing sales.
through this blog one can easily understand how to add it with their website and how to take advantages from this software.
+1 to your article.