Well, I was having this discussion with my friend who recently watched the famous Law Of Attraction documentary movie “The Secret”.
How To Manifest Your Ex Back Using Law Of Attraction – The Secret
And he had a very recent breakup with her ex girlfriend.
After having his first epiphany moment which eventually happens with anyone who watches this documentary. And realizing this unknowing secret of law of attraction which came as a surprise to him in his life.
He asked me, “Does law of attraction really works to get your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back, too?
This got me thinking and since I have written many articles on this blog, on how to get your ex girlfriend back, and how to win your ex back and the famous “No Contact Rule”.
I thought it would be great to share an article with my readers about my thoughts and research on the law of attraction and whether “The Secret” can really save your breakup and help you with winning your ex girlfriend or boyfriend back.
I have seen so many people who with their deep desire and after a break shattering breakup have been successfully been able to transform themselves in their personal life – make massive changes in terms of how they were, and grown much more mature which in exchange got them back with their ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend.
But, frankly. If you are sitting on your chair. Thinking. Hoping. Wishing. That your ex will get back to you because you are trying to apply the law of attraction. I am sorry.
Law of attraction won’t work for you.
See, first of all I am not aware how much you know about the intension manifestation, law of attraction, affirmations, creative visualisation, and the power of growing your intuition.
Nor can I give you a step by step tips on how to manifest your ex back and how to use the law of attraction to get your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back.
But, I know one thing for sure.
Law of attraction and applying intension manifestation in your personal life can only work once you have the true desire with stable “emotions” and the will to take some action to change yourself in your personal (And professional) if needed be.
There is nothing a man or women can’t do if only they have a true desire to achieve it.
No matter whether you want to become a millionaire, or lose weight or re attract your ex back.
It’s all the same.
But, yes. Right now, in your situation when you are looking to do ANYTHING to get your ex back.
I can definitely help you with some useful tips, actionable foot-steps, right guidence through which you can carve out a better approach in terms of getting your ex back in your life.
Is it worth it?
I mean, if you are just looking to get back with your ex only to have a breakup again. What good will that really be?
So, if you are seriously looking to get back with your ex altogether.
There are things out of your awareness which brings to the bottomline. Why your ex broke up with you at the first place.
And no matter, whether you apply law of attraction or The Secret or use some super natural powers to try to your ex back.
It’s your responsibility. And yours alone to get back to building that same attraction that your ex had when he or she started this relationship with you.
See, frankly. I have written enough content on my website which are SIMPLY proven, action steps that can REALLY bring your ex back.
I know, because I get 1000s of email, Facebook messages, and people finding out my number on Google. Calling me, thanking me, being grateful for the article that I wrote and they stumbled upon it. And APPLIED what I suggested and they have gotten their ex back.
Heck, some people even went through the free video training that I suggested them to watch in order to get their ex back.
What makes all these success stories vs people who never get their ex back is simple distinction.
People who REALLY wanted their ex back were always ready to change, adapt, understand, learn from their mistake, grow as a man or woman and mature themselves into the relationships they wanted to be in deeply.
And that happened because the person who left them. Made them realise that even though the breakup happened sooner enough. But, the breakup was proceeding to happen because of so many nitty gritty things growing in the minds of both the partners that it EVENTUALLY did happen.
And until and unless you try to find the real cause, understand it well. And then get control in your life. Without being needy, pleading, crying over to your ex back. And get some sanity and the RIGHT mindset to get him or her back.
You can’t really bring your ex back.
I have listened to enough success stories of people with the worst situations.
Situations like where they get their ex girlfriend back even if she has moved on, even when someone’s ex was with another guy or a girl.
I have seen girls getting their ex back when his boyfriend had moved on.
I have seen guys getting their ex back even when she had moved on.
I have seen girls getting back with their boyfriends even when he’s ignoring her or dumped her.
Even if your partner has moved on to a new boyfriend or girlfriend. You still have chances of getting your ex back.
Even if your partner hates you right now. And you find the situation hopeless & impossible. And you miss them dearly. You crave for their attention. And you still hope that they will be interested.
Please keep that hope.
But, take some action.
Even if you have hurted your ex. May be you cheated. But, you loved them truly.
There is hope to get your ex back.
You have to start thinking seriously during this painful time of your life. To think, again.
To think again, about all the things that have gone wrong. And things that could have gone right. Only if you had the right mindset to stay and continue that relationship.
That’s why. I know.
Just like this page that you will be reading someday when you land on my website. You will find 1000s of articles being written online on relationship advice.
It won’t really do you any good till the time you decide to change internal and start making yourself responsible for changing your own relationship with yourself. Bringing that inner change that’s essentially required as a pre-requivisit to get back with your ex.
Only then will you be able to do it. And apply the law of attraction.
Because no matter how good you become. Manifesting ex back is another affair which can only happen once you control your ever changing emotions that you go through while driving yourself through this breakup.
So, frankly. Here’s the action step I suggest you follow. If, you have read through this article and finally here.
Because now I know. You are seriously, looking to get your ex back.
It’s a free video training that will tell you the basics of why the breakup happened and what you can do RIGHT NOW. To get your ex back.
Take action. I mean it. Really, just do it! Follow along the footsteps of someone who has done it and can really help you carve out a pathway.
We humans learn from the behaviour of others. May be you did that when your mom, dad, friends and family member suggested you, right?
That’s what I am asking you to do right now.
Go and watch this video. And watch it completely till the end. And then, follow the footsteps.
Once, you have started staying on the promise above. I am sure. You will have better mindset, more positive outlook over your breakup, and also more self-control to make the change happen in your situation. And I am sure, you will definitely get your ex back.
But, if you want to start crying and have all the negative emotions over flowing inside you. And make you more vulnerable. And make you more sad.
I don’t hope a dime. That no matter which documentary you saw on the internet, like “The Secret” can do anything for you in this situation.
P.S. I know, I was blunt. But, I needed to be. That’s because just like you reading this article. I had a massive, heart shattering breakup once. Twice. Thrice. And then afterwards. Next time, I was prepared. I never gave it a chance. And I won’t ever give it a chance till the time I don’t want to. Because now I know, you are 100% responsible for your relationship yourself. Not 50-50. 100%. And when it’s time to get serious. You should be getting serious about getting your ex back. And do what it takes with the right guidence. To get your ex back.
This resentment might cost you more then you think.
Hence, smile. Stay confident. And go do the first step.
P.P.S. Let me know your results in the future. Come back to this article. And if you applied what I just spoke about. I will be happy to hear from you back.
Thanks for reading. And wish you a wonderful life ahead. Smile, OK? And manifest your ex back! 🙂